I just made a brief compilation of some few funny stuffs that could spice you up any day, any time. A dream visit to heaven by our beloved Akpos and a funny confusing question for a mother of children. Read on.
Akpos was on the bed with his wife, sleeping. He dreamt he was in heaven.
When he got to heaven’s gate, he met an angel who started showing him everything.
After a while Akpos asked the angel; can i piss here?.
Angel replied ; it’s not allowed but you can.
A short while later again, Akpos asked; can i mess here ?.
Angel replied ; it’s not allowed but you can.
Minutes later, again, Akpos asked; can i poo here ?.
Angel replied ; it’s not allowed but you can.
Akpos saw a flower and asked the angel; can i use the flower to clean my butt ?.
Angel said; it’s not allowed but you can.
As Akpos was about to use the flower to clean his butt, a hot slap landed on his face….
Then his Wife shouted; you piss for bed, i no talk, you mess, i leave you, i no talk, you poo on top bed, I leave you, i no talk.
You now want to use my wrapper clean your bottom,
You dey mad ?..
Hahahaha u people no go kil pesn oh